In this blog I collect all knitting-related information.
I publish my ideas and patterns, report progress
and link things I find.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Charity knitting for preemies - Frühchenaktion bei Drops, Ravelry

I have joined a charity knit-along on Ravelry. The German Drops group on Ravelry has called for the event since the beginning of the year.
We are producing big amounts of preemie outfits. Socks, hats, blankets and sleeping bags, all made out of sock yarn - because it is washable hot enough and does stand the desinfection process.

The pieces will be given to several hospitals in Germany.

I happily joined the KAL and have had a lot of fun, making a bunch of very cute outfits. Mostly I make sets of hats and socks in different sizes. The small pieces give me a great chance to try new things or work with yarns that I would usually not use. Especially the very colorful sock yarns would usually not end up in my shopping basket. But they are fun for a change.

The project in itself is very satisfying and makes me feel gut.

Ich habe mich bei Ravelry dem Frühchen-Charity-Knit-Along angeschlossen, den die deutschsprachige Dropsgruppe seit Jahresanfang veranstaltet.
Wir stricken gemeinsam eine Menge Frühchen-Outfits, die wir dann an verschiedene Krankenhäuser spenden. Socken, Mützen, Decken, Strampelsäcke (Pucksäcke). Wir stricken aus Sockengarn, weil das heißer gewaschen werden kann und der Desinfektion standhält. Ich komme mal dazu, mit sehr bunten Garnen zu arbeiten, die normalerweise nicht in meinem Einkaufskorb landen.

Die kleinen Stücke geben mir die Gelegenheit, Dinge auszuprobieren und zu experimentieren.

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